Our company /
Social responsibility
It is certainly in the ownership structure that FAAC has its own uniqueness and strength when it comes to ESG: all the value created and distributed, the dividends, go to support the activity of our sole shareholder, the Archdiocese of Bologna, whose primary mission is to carry out charitable deeds and support people in need. This awareness fills us with pride as workers, and always gives us that something extra to maximize the operational and financial performance of the business we are engaged in.

At FAAC Technologies, we are committed to a more sustainable future every day.
In all phases of the production supply chain, from design to in-house services, purchasing and logistics, we work in respect of the environment and the highest ethical standards.
An example? The plant in Zola Predosa, the headquarters of the FAAC Group, which has been involved in numerous activities in the field of environmental friendliness since 2019:
- the “Plastic free” project to reduce the use of disposable plastic
- the high efficiency air conditioners and the reduced water consumption for an increasing focus on electricity consumption levels
- the system for the collection and reuse of rainwater for the new company restaurant amenities
- the re-lamping of the entire production plant with high energy efficient LED light bulbs
- the implementation of photovoltaic panels
- education about separate waste collection across all areas of the plant
- the internal initiative: “SimplyNOWaste” to raise awareness and enhance the involvement of all company resources, promoting increasingly conscious and attentive behavior and supporting the communities in which we do business
- the SCIP/REACH project, which aims to control and reduce the chemicals dangerous for our health and for the environment, potentially present in some raw materials and in some manufacturing processes. It is a project that affects not only plants in Italy, but also the other European plants of the group.
The welfare of our employees and the security of our sites are key priorities: we are committed to continuous improvement. We are proud to place our solutions and expertise at the service of a more sustainable business life and production.
The commitment on the part of FAAC Technologies is set to grow and evolve, just like the technology that has always characterized us as leader of this sector.
This is because a more responsible attitude today means a more sustainable future tomorrow.

What energizes me most and makes me enthusiastic about overcoming the challenges of every day is to know that all the value we generate, which is not reinvested in the company, will be used by our shareholder in important charitable deeds.

I love summer and the sea. My daughter is 5 years old and I would like to leave her a better world and a greener future.

I grew up in the country, I have always loved nature and the mountains. Green is my favorite color and it is also the color I would like to see all around me in the future

I love nature and sports. I also love technology and believe that it can help us in the fight to save energy